Yerushalayim…Restoring a full schedule of public transportation to Har Hazeisim and upgrading security on the historic holy site and cemetery were the highlights of a meeting of the Knesset Caucus on Har Hazeisim on Monday December 6th. In attendance were the Caucus chairman, Rabbi Michael Malchieli (Shas), MKs Yitzchak Pindrus (UTJ), Yoav Kisch (Likud), Gadi Yevarkan (Likud), Avi Maoz (Noam) as well as Dr. Paul Rosenstock and Dov Fishoff, members of the executive committee of the International Committee for Har Hazeisim (ICHH), and Shalom Lerner, Executive Director of the ICHH. 

In opening the session, MK Rabbi Malchieli said: “I have been accumulating data and information on the situation on Har Hazeisim. Amongst the concerns that my office has reviewed were many inquiries about public transportation to Har Hazeisim. I am thinking of convening a meeting of the Public Inquiries Committee in the Knesset on the subject. “

MK Rabbi Pindrus addressed his remarks to the leaders of the ICHH: “You are doing a magnificent job. Har Hazeisim has dramatically changed, and your committee has a big part in it. I live in the Jewish Quarter and there is less fear today than there was before you started your holy mission that was first initiated by Avraham and Menachem Lubinsky from New York. We will have to make efforts to have regular transportation to the site. The Knesset caucus needs to meet with the police commander of the Kedem district and then to take care of security from command center on Har Hatzofim (Mount Scopus).”

MK Yoav Kish praised the ICHH for its efforts: “I have had the privilege of accompanying you in recent years to Har Hazeisim and you are doing a very impressive job. We were with you throughout the period of installing the surveillance cameras and the lighting as well as the deployment of Border Police and regular police units. This caucus led by MK Malchieli, is extremely important, because it focuses on the problems on the mountain.”

MK Kisch also referred to the public transportation issue: “The issue of transportation is very important because the public needs to have access to Har Hazeisim. The Ministry of Housing will have to step up security at the site. On the subject of Har HazeisIm, there is no politics in this building; everyone is mobilized to help Har Hazeisim. “

MK Avi Maoz said: “Just as on Har Hamenuchos, there is a bus that goes until the interior, so it must be arranged that Har Hazeisim has regular bus service, at least every hour, reaching all the key points on the mountain. The police will have to secure the transportation and to meet with the transportation company to promote it. “


The last speaker MK Gadi Yabarkan said: “In my role as Deputy Minister of Internal Security, MK Malchieli pressured me day and night to work for the security of Har Hazeisim. We conducted tours of the area and had many discussions with the police. It is a topic that is very close to my heart, and I will serve as a loyal soldier on the Har Hazeisim issue. I will insist that the police address all issues that we raise. I will participate in every discussion of the caucus and work to recruit more MKs to join this group. I hope to arrange a meeting soon with the Jerusalem Police Chief. “

At the end of the discussion, the ICHH representatives, Dov Fishoff, Dr. Paul Rosenstock and Shalom Lerner, thanked the chairman of the lobby, MK Rabbi Malchieli, and members of the Knesset from all factions who came to participate and held a professional and important discussion to preserve and protect the Mount of Olives.


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