Staff & Board

Staff & Board

Abraham Lubinsky & Mr. Menachem Lubinsky

Israel Chapter

Jeff Daube, Co-Chairman
contact: , T: 011-972-58-538-0840

Moshe Bruce, Executive Director
contact:, T: 011-972 54 536 4737

Executive Board Members

Ari Cytryn
Roni Cohen
Meilech Fastag
Dov Fishoff
Ira Ganger
Sol Goldner
Malcolm Hoenlein
Marty Katz
Mordechai Klein
Evelyn Jacobs
Chaim Laufer
Irving Lebovics
Shimon Lefkowitz
Rabbi Pesach Lerner
Pertez Levine
Zev Leibeker
Charlie Miller
Dr. Alan Mazurek
Raphy Nissel
Dr. Paul Rosenstock
Stanley Treitel
David Urbach

Chapters in: Amsterdam, Jerusalem, London, NY, NJ, Toronto


1226 East 10th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230

Contact Us

* The International Committee for the Preservation of HarHazeisim is a non-profit 501c3 organization Tax Exempt#27-4001020. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your generous financial donation.

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