Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan

Rabbi Aryeh Kaplan’s meteoric rise as one of the most effective, persuasive, scholarly and prolific exponents of Judaism in the English language came to an abrupt end on January 28, 1983, with his sudden death at the age of 48.

Rabbi Kaplan was a multi-faceted, uniquely creative and talented author. In the course of a writing career of only 12 years, he became famous for his extensive publications. Rabbi Kaplan was born in NYC and educated in the Torah Voda’as and Mir Yeshivos in Brooklyn. After study at the Mir Yeshivah in Jerusalem, he was ordained by some of Israel’s foremost rabbinic authorities. He also earned a Master’s degree in physics and was listed in Who’s Who in Physics in the US.

Aryeh Kaplan’s unusual warmth, sincerity and total dedication to Torah were an inspiration to the thousands he reached personally.


1226 East 10th Street
Brooklyn, NY 11230

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