By Gil Ronen

Muslim Arab vandals continue to desecrate the tombs at the Mount of Olives cemetery on Jerusalem, despite the supposedly heightened securitypresence there, according toeyewitnesses.
Participants in a funeral procession that took place at the ancient Jewish cemetery at week’s end said that they saw a significant number of recently vandalized tombs at the site. “It appeared that the tombstones had been vandalized in an ugly, anti-Semitic fashion,” they told police later.
Police sources estimated that the vandals were Arabs, many of whom loiter at the location at night.
About a month ago, three Arabs aged about 16 were caught by police and Mount of Olives security guards in the act of setting fire to books of Psalms. The three were taken to interrogation, where two of them admitted burning the books, while a third also gave self-incriminating testimony.
The three are residents of Ras el Amud, an Arab village on the Mount of Olives.
A police station that opened earlier this year was supposed to end vandalism and attacks on drivers at the site.